Experts Answer the Question "What Makes a Good Logo?"

Get some expert advice on what makes a great logo. Explore the essential elements of successful logo design and learn how to design a great logo that captures attention and strengthens your brand's identity.

The Logome Team
minutes read,
August 15, 2024

Your logo is the face of your brand. It’s often the first thing people notice, and it plays a crucial role in shaping their perception of your business. A well-designed logo can make your brand memorable, build trust, and set you apart from competitors. But what exactly makes a logo effective?

In this article, we’ve gathered insights from top design experts to answer the burning question: “What makes a good logo?” We’ll explore the essential elements that contribute to a great logo, and how they can lead to a successful brand identity. Whether you’re a small business owner or a designer, understanding these principles is key to creating a logo that resonates with your audience. 

Let’s figure out what makes a logo good, great, and ultimately successful!

Key Elements of a Good Logo

Creating a great logo involves understanding and applying several key elements. These elements help ensure that your logo not only looks good but also serves its purpose effectively. Below are the essential components of a successful logo:


Simplicity is crucial in logo design because a simple logo is easier to recognize and remember. It avoids unnecessary details that can clutter the design and confuse the audience. A clean, straightforward logo communicates the brand's message clearly and effectively.

A simple logo can be quickly identified, even at a glance. This quick recognition helps consumers remember the brand, which is essential for building long-term brand loyalty. For example, logos like Apple's apple or McDonald's golden arches are instantly recognizable, even without any text.

Examples of Successful Logos That Embody Simplicity:

  • Nike's Swoosh: This minimalist logo is powerful and universally recognized.
  • Apple's Apple: The simple apple silhouette with a bite taken out is both elegant and memorable.
  • Target's Bullseye: A simple red circle with a dot in the middle effectively represents the brand's name and purpose.

Logo of Target's Bullseye


A relevant logo accurately represents the brand's core values, the industry it operates in, and the audience it targets. A playful and colorful logo might suit a children’s toy brand, while a sleek and modern design would be more appropriate for a tech company.

The colors, typography, and shapes used in a logo should align with the brand's identity and message. Colors evoke emotions and can influence perception—blue often conveys trust, while red suggests excitement. Typography should match the brand's tone, whether it's formal or casual, and shapes can imply strength, softness, or innovation.

Design experts emphasize the need for thorough research before designing a logo. Understanding the brand, its competition, and its audience is key to creating a logo that resonates and feels relevant.

Check out our guide on choosing the right colors for your logo to dive deeper into this topic.


A memorable logo sticks in the minds of consumers, making it easier for them to recall the brand when they need it. A unique and distinctive logo helps a brand stand out in a crowded market.

Here’s how you can create a Logo That Sticks in People's Minds:

  • Be Unique: Avoid clichés and overused symbols. Create something that is distinctly yours.
  • Use Strong Visuals: Incorporate elements that are visually striking and easy to remember.
  • Keep It Simple: A cluttered logo is harder to remember. Focus on a clear, concise design.


A versatile logo maintains its effectiveness whether it's displayed on a website, a business card, or a billboard. It should look good in both color and black-and-white, and it should scale well to different sizes without losing clarity.

A well-designed logo adapts to various formats and sizes. It should be scalable, ensuring it remains clear and recognizable whether it’s shrunk down for a mobile app icon or blown up on a banner.

Examples of Versatile Logos:

  • IBM: The simple, bold letters are easily recognizable in any size or format.
  • Adidas: The three stripes logo is recognizable no matter where it's placed or how it’s sized.

Adidas Logo

E: Timelessness

Trends come and go, but a timeless logo remains relevant and effective for years, or even decades. A timeless design avoids the need for frequent rebranding, which can confuse customers and dilute brand identity.

A logo should primarily focus on the brand's core identity. Incorporating subtle modern elements can keep a logo feeling fresh without sacrificing its longevity.

Designers suggest focusing on simplicity, clarity, and relevance to create a timeless logo. They recommend avoiding overly trendy design elements that might quickly become outdated. In the next section, we’ll explore some mistakes that you can avoid while creating a logo for your next successful business. 

The Role of a Logo in Branding

Logos play a critical role in shaping customer perception. Think about some of the most famous logos you know—like Apple’s iconic apple or Nike’s swoosh. These logos are simple yet powerful, and they evoke specific feelings and associations in people’s minds. 

When a logo is well-designed, it can create a positive connection with your audience, making them more likely to trust and remember your brand.

Experts agree that a good logo is essential for building brand recognition and loyalty. According to a study by Siegel+Gale, 73% of consumers are more likely to buy from a brand they recognize, which underscores the importance of having a memorable logo.

To explore more about why a logo is so important, check out our comprehensive guide on logo design. You might also find our article on how logos impact branding helpful.

Common Mistakes to Avoid in Logo Design

Creating a great logo isn’t just about knowing what to do; it’s also about knowing what to avoid. Even the best designers can fall into common traps that can weaken the effectiveness of a logo. Let’s delve into how to prevent these mistakes:

Overcomplicating the Design

One of the most frequent mistakes is making the logo too complex. A complicated design can be hard to recognize, remember, and reproduce across different mediums. Simplicity is key—focus on creating a clean and straightforward logo that clearly communicates your brand’s identity.

To ensure your logo stays simple and impactful, consider using our AI logo maker, which helps streamline the design process.

Ignoring Scalability

A logo that looks great on a large banner might not work well when shrunk down to fit on a business card or mobile app icon. Ignoring scalability can lead to a logo that’s unreadable or unclear in different sizes.

Test your logo at various sizes before finalizing the design. Make sure it remains legible and recognizable whether it’s big or small. 

Following Trends Too Closely

While it can be tempting to follow the latest design trends, this can make your logo look outdated quickly. What’s trendy today might not resonate with your audience in a few years, leading to a need for rebranding. Focus on timeless design principles rather than fleeting trends. 

Using Too Many Colors

A logo with too many colors can appear busy and confusing. It can also be expensive to reproduce, especially in print. Additionally, colors that clash can create a negative impression of your brand.

Limit your color palette to two or three colors that represent your brand. Choose colors that complement each other and convey the right message. 

Poor Font Choices

Typography plays a crucial role in logo design. Using the wrong font can make your logo look unprofessional or misaligned with your brand’s identity. Choose a font that aligns with your brand’s tone and personality. Make sure it’s legible at different sizes and across various mediums. 

Successful Logos and Why They Work

Understanding why certain logos stand the test of time can provide valuable insights into what makes a logo truly successful. Below are a few examples of iconic logos and an analysis of why they work so well.

1. Apple: The Bite of Simplicity

Apple’s logo, a simple apple with a bite taken out of it, is one of the most recognizable logos in the world. Its success lies in its simplicity and the clever twist of the bite, which adds uniqueness and memorability. The logo reflects Apple’s brand values—innovation, elegance, and user-friendliness—without the need for words.

  • Simplicity: The minimalist design ensures the logo is instantly recognizable.
  • Memorability: The bite adds a distinctive feature that people remember.
  • Versatility: The logo looks great in any color or size, whether on a product or in digital media.
  • Timelessness: Since its introduction, Apple’s logo has required very few changes, proving its enduring appeal.

2. Nike: The Swoosh of Success

Nike’s swoosh is another powerful example of a successful logo. The swoosh is a simple, flowing design that symbolizes motion and speed, perfectly aligning with Nike’s brand identity as a leader in athletic wear. The logo’s strength lies in its ability to convey so much with so little.

  • Simplicity: The swoosh is incredibly simple, making it easy to recognize and remember.
  • Relevance: The logo’s design reflects the brand’s focus on athleticism and movement.
  • Memorability: The logo’s unique shape sticks in people’s minds, even without the brand name.
  • Versatility: Whether on shoes, clothing, or digital ads, the swoosh adapts seamlessly to any medium.

3. McDonald's: The Golden Arches

Mc Donald's Logo

McDonald’s logo, known as the Golden Arches, is a classic example of a logo that combines simplicity and memorability. The logo’s success is also rooted in its relevance to the brand, representing the architectural arches found in early McDonald’s restaurants. The bright yellow color is associated with happiness and positivity, aligning with the brand’s family-friendly image.

  • Simplicity: The logo’s simple arches are easy to recognize from a distance.
  • Memorability: The golden color and arch shape are distinctive and memorable.
  • Relevance: The design ties back to the brand’s history and physical locations.
  • Timelessness: Despite minor updates, the Golden Arches have remained largely unchanged, emphasizing their timeless nature.

4. FedEx: The Hidden Arrow

Fedex's Logo

FedEx’s logo is famous for its hidden arrow between the "E" and "x." This clever design element represents speed and precision, which are key aspects of FedEx’s services. The simplicity of the logo, combined with this hidden message, makes it both effective and memorable.

  • Simplicity: The clean, straightforward design is easy to read and recognize.
  • Memorability: The hidden arrow creates an "aha!" moment that people remember.
  • Relevance: The arrow perfectly symbolizes the brand’s focus on fast and reliable delivery.
  • Timelessness: The logo has remained relevant and effective over the years with only minor adjustments.

5. Coca-Cola: The Script That Sells

coca cola logo

 Coca-Cola’s logo, with its flowing script and vibrant red color, is one of the most enduring and recognizable logos in history. The logo’s success is largely due to its consistent use over more than a century, reinforcing brand loyalty and recognition worldwide.

  • Timelessness: The logo’s classic script has remained largely unchanged since its creation, contributing to its longevity.
  • Memorability: The distinctive typography and color make it easy to recognize anywhere.
  • Relevance: The logo’s design evokes a sense of tradition and nostalgia, aligning with the brand’s identity.
  • Versatility: Whether on a billboard or a bottle, the logo remains effective in all contexts.

Consistency is crucial for building brand recognition, which Coca-Cola exemplifies perfectly.


A successful logo is one that stands out, is easily recognizable, and endures over time. In designing a great logo, simplicity, relevance, memorability, versatility, and timelessness are the key elements that experts agree on. It’s essential to keep these elements in mind during the design process.

For those looking to take the next step in creating their own logo, consider using tools like our AI logo maker to streamline the process and ensure you’re incorporating these essential elements into your design.

The Logome Team

The LogoMe team is a passionate group of design enthusiasts and branding experts dedicated to helping businesses create stunning visual identities and logos. Through our insightful blog, we share the latest trends, tips, and best practices in logo design, branding strategies, digital marketing, etc. to inspire and empower you.

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